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Federal and State Tax Filings

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The Patria Company

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Information on Incorporating or Creating a Limited Liability Company

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Information and updates on business legislation due to the affects of Coronavirus pandemic

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You Can't Control Everything in Your Business... so Be Prepared

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Terms of Service and Policies for The Patria Company

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The what, how and why of securing data on your website.

Most Popular Articles

 940, 941 and 944 Taxes

You may be asking yourself "What is the difference between Federal 940, 941 and 944 taxes?"If you...

 Changing Reconciled Transactions in QuickBooks

Occasionally, new information comes to light that results in the need to change something about a...

 Handling Layaways in QuickBooks

Instructions for Handling Layaways in QuickBooks Financial, per help menu are below. ...

 Terms of Service

This Agreement sets forth the terms by which The Patria Company, a Texas Corporation (hereinafter...

 Privacy Policy

It is against company policy to sell, barter or otherwise share the information we gather about...