Outlook for iOS and Android: Sync contact sub folders as category labels

 Thursday, December 31, 2020

Microsoft is adding contact subfolders when we synchronize user contacts from Outlook on the web, Outlook for Windows, and Outlook for Mac to Outlook for iOS and Android.


  • Timing: First Quarter 2021

How this will affect your organization

Users who have set up contact subfolders in Outlook on the web or Outlook for Windows or Mac will see those subfolders as new categories in Outlook mobile. The category label will correspond to the folder name in Outlook on the Web or Outlook for Windows or Mac.

As part of the synchronization, each category is assigned a color.

  • If a user has created a single additional contact subfolder, we will create a category and assign it a category color.
  • If a user has created multiple subfolders, we will create categories for those contacts. Users will have the option to upgrade those categories and assign them a color if needed.
  • Changes to category labels in Outlook mobile will not affect folders in the other Outlook experiences.

Users will see changes to the Contact list by navigating to Search > People (iOS) or by navigating to Contacts (Android).  

Related Blog post: Get organized people!